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Table 1 Protocol of nonoperative management in AAST-OIS grade IV blunt hepatic trauma.

From: Nonoperative management for patients with grade IV blunt hepatic trauma

Protocol of nonoperative management in AAST-OIS grade IV blunt hepatic trauma - Division of Trauma Surgery - University of Campinas

Criteria for patient selection:

1- Abdominal blunt trauma

2- Hemodynamic stability after initial resuscitation with no need for blood:

a. Systemic blood pressure > 90 mmHg

b. Initial hemoglobin level > 8

3- Evaluation by Computed Tomography with:

a. Absence of associated injuries on hollow viscus and pneumoperitonium

b. Absence of contrast blush (evidence of active arterial bleeding is indication for angiography and embolization)

4- Clinical evaluation with no signs of peritonitis

Monitorization of patients undergoing nonoperative management:

1- Hemoglobin/ Hematocrit measurement every 6 hours or more frequently if any clinical deterioration

2- ABG measurements every 6 hours or more frequently if any clinical deterioration

3- ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

Criteria for failure of nonoperative management:

1- Need for surgical intervention determined by:

a. Hemodynamic instability

b. Failure of angioembolization to control active bleeding

c. Progressive fall of hemoglobin/ hematocrit levels with recurrent blood transfusion

d. Clinical signs of peritonitis