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Table 3 Surgical procedures for hepatic hemorrhage control in complex liver trauma

From: Surgical management of AAST grades III-V hepatic trauma by Damage control surgery with perihepatic packing and Definitive hepatic repair–single centre experience






(n = 81)

(n = 40)

(n = 121)


Damage control surgerya

39(48.1 %)

20(50.0 %)

59(48.8 %)


DCS-perihepatic packing + direct parenchyma suturea

21(25.9 %)

10(25.0 %)

31(25.6 %)


DCS-perihepatic packing + liver resectiona

4(4.9 %)

4(10.0 %)

8(6.6 %)


DCS-perihepatic packing + RHA ligationa

1(1.2 %)

1(2.5 %)

2(1.6 %)


DCS-perihepatic packing + direct vessel repaira

13(16.0 %)

5(12.5 %)

18(14.8 %)


Definitive hepatic repaira

42(51.8 %)

20(50.0 %)

62(51.2 %)


Direct parenchyma suture + hemostatic fibrin gela

15(18.5 %)

5(12.5 %)

20(16.5 %)


Hepatotomy + direct vessel repair, vascular ligation and debridementa

23(28.4 %)

5(12.5 %)

28(23.1 %)


Non-anatomic liver resectiona

2(2.5 %)

4(10.0 %)

6(4.9 %)


Major liver resectionsa

2(2.5 %)

4(10.0 %)

6(4.9 %)


Selective RHA ligationa

0(0.0 %)

2(5.0 %)

2(1.6 %)

  1. aData are expressed as number of patients and percentages (n, %), DCS Damage control surgery, RHA Right hepatic artery