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Table 3 Baseline demographic characteristics of the study patients

From: The unrestricted global effort to complete the COOL trial


Age, median (IQRa), years

Septic shockb

World Society of Emergency Surgery Sepsis Severity Scorec

Calgary PIRO Scored

GCSe, median (IQR)

APACHE IIf, median (IQR)

Arterial pH, mean (95% CI)

Base deficit, median (IQR)

Lactate, median (IQR)

INRg, median (IQR)

Temperature, mean (95% CI)

APACHE II scoref, mean ± SDd

SOFA scoreh, mean ± SDe

Charlson Comorbidity Index scorei, median (IQR)

Worst physiologic measurements prior to randomization, median (IQR)

 Systolic blood pressure, mmHg

 Temperature (injured patients), °C

 Temperature (sepsis patients), °C


 Lactate, mmol/L

 Base deficit, mmol/L


Fluid administration prior to randomization, median (IQR)

 PRBCj, units

 FFPk, units

 PRBC/FFP ratio

 Crystalloid, L

Patient location prior to OR admission—no. (%)

 Emergency Department

 Hospital ward

 Intensive Care Unit

Vasopressors required prior to randomization—no. (%)

Hours from sepsis diagnosis to laparotomy, median (IQR)

If allocated to OPEN

 Type of Negative pressure peritoneal therapy (NPPT) temporary abdominal closure (TAC) device

  1. aIQR, interquartile range
  2. bseptic shock as defined by SESPS-3 Guidelines[8]
  3. cWSESSS [9]
  4. dCPIRO [63]
  5. eGCS—Glasgow coma score
  6. fAcute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II
  7. gINR—international normalized ratio
  8. hSOFA—Sequential Assessment of Organ Failure [137]
  9. iCharlson Comorbidity Index(138)
  10. jPRBC—packed red blood cells
  11. kFFP—fresh frozen plasma